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Development lab: N-Mag Grip Frames This brief page has some information on our N-Mag grip frames.
These grip frames began as double trigger versions, but there was enough interest in a single trigger style that we wanted to branch into them too, since both versions of frames can use the same manufacturing fixtures. Originally we wanted to release a single trigger conversion but realized the frame shape wouldn't be comfortable. Instead the design was branched off into a whole new shape that would be much more appealing to the single trigger players.
There have been several production batches of these frames since they were originally released in 2017, but the design has remained mostly unchanged over the years. The first change was done in regards to the grip area, where some of the corner milling was removed because it would help to seal off some types of grip panels/wraps.
A large batch of frames was made during the slowdown period in the beginning of 2020, which marked the first major change to the design. In this revision, the air port was moved downward by 1 millimeter to make room for additional milling on top of the grip frame. This would ensure compatibility with more types of Automag rails, since some of the Lukes Customs' rails are just a tad shorter in overall height which forces the sear to hang below the rail. Previous frames didn't have enough space to add a relief cut to the top, so frames made in 2020 or later have additional cuts to help make room.
We don't have any other changes planned for the grip frames, but you never know what the future will hold!!
Above: Chamfer cutting on N-Mag ASA housings.
Above: Combination fixture for producing single triggers and EF-style double triggers.
Above: N-Mag trigger guard machining.
Above: Final details on N-Mag ASA housings.
Above: Rough milling on April-2020 single trigger frames.
Prototype frames from 2017: The prototype grip frame was used for some promo pictures on our website, so many people have asked if they have any special features compared to the production frames. The answer is that those older frames have some design differences compared to the production frames that succeeded them, but the features aren't necessarially better or worse (just different).
There were originally four prototype frames, but only three of them were functional. Two frames were sent away for testing while one of the prototypes is used on the original prototype Pyromag marker.
Above: N-mag prototype frame before anodizing
Along with the frame itself, we also prototyped the internal pneumag system that is slated for future release. The pneumag valve kit is designed to be drop-in and will function with any existing N-mag frame with a bit of tweaking.
Above: N-mag frame pneumag prototype
- In regards to the changes made after prototyping, here's a brief list:
- The ASA housing was shortened by about a quarter inch. This was honestly just a mistake on the prototype ASAs, there's no reason for them to hang off the back of the frame so far (duh)
- A change was made to the internal LPR housing area integrated inside the grip section. The bottom of the housing needed to be cut open to allow removal of the pneumag reg internals by pushing them up and out.
- The most notable change involves the trigger guard. The prototype N-mag frame uses an integrated trigger guard as with most other grip frames, but the issue of trigger guard size became a problem since some markers didn't have extra space beyond the frame's front surface. We wanted to allow for extra trigger room but this would restrict compatibilty with tighter foregrip positions. So the decision was made to break up the trigger guard into its own separate component which allows for more variety in the shape. A player could even 3d print their own trigger guard if they had the desire for a different appearance. The other benefit is that a separate trigger guard could pave the way for a single trigger frame (note: this proved to be untrue because of the single frame grip shape)
- Undercuts were made around the base of the thumbscrew, which made it easier to remove by hand. The thumbscrew is intended to be partially "flush" with the frame's surface.
- Some small tweaks to the ASA machining fixtures and ASA knob shape (which later changed to a knurled knob)
Here's the prototype Pyromag with N-mag grip frame. Its serial number is NMAG-003, which was the first functional Nummech Automag body blank that was functional. It seems fitting to use the prototype frame on that marker, even if the frame itself has seen a lot of use over the years.